Geng Aku

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bila Bulan Di Pagari Bintang 1

“Priceless memory ey?”  Gambar itu ditatap.

“Yup, tapi waktu ni awak belum tembam lagi, haha!”

“Eleh, macamlah awak tu slim macam dulu. Tengok perut tu, dah makin ke depan ye cik abang! Tapi kalaulah tak jumpa awak, mesti saya sunyi.”

“Alah, kalau awak sunyi saya pulak, mestilah sepi. Mana ada orang yang mampu menarik hati saya. Awak je!”

“Awak jaga saya tau!”

“Insya-Allah, kita doalah selalu”.

Next Chapter


  1. wah,, ne mesti pnah ada pengalaman tulis novel ne kan..??? nice entry u have there, penggunaan kosa kata luas n flow of the story senang difahami... keep up the good work! (am waiting for the continuation..~~) ^^

  2. Tq rusman, I'm going to make it better... InshaAllah I'll try to complete the whole story faster...


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